Dealing with Nagging Aches/Pains?

Recovering from an injury or surgery? Want to elevate your athletic performance?

We can help!


Our Approach

We believe in assessing and addressing the key elements to your problem and identifying how manual treatment and exercise can improve those issues. We utilize movement training to reinforce the effects of hands on treatments and strengthening components, encouraging your body to adapt to healthy movement patterns and support the recovery from pain, injury, or surgery.

Our Method

Your first visit will be an initial evaluation: you have the choice to do an hour or 2 hour evaluation. Your physical therapist will hear your story/history. They then will take you through a series of tests and measures to identify the key components to your issues/complaints. After the exam, they will sit down and discuss with you the path to improvement and the outcome they expect.

At your follow ups: you will have 50-55 min with your physical therapist to address your primary issues/complaints and help you progress toward your agreed goals. Follow ups allow for plenty of time for hands on treatment, movement training, exercises and updating/progressing your home program.


Conditions we Treat

  • Low back pain/Neck pain

  • Any joint pain/aches: Shoulder, hip, ankle, knee, etc

  • Orthopedic post-op: Total/partial joint replacements, ACL repair, rotator cuff repair, spine surgery, other tendon repairs

  • Weekend Warrior aches/pains and performance training

  • Feelings of stiffness, weakness, instability, etc

  • Chronic pain/conditions

  • General deconditioning

  • Athletic performance training