Exercise Classes- Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Pregnancy




first class free with the exception of restorative yoga

Pregnancy Strengthening

Pregnancy/Postpartum Strengthening

During pregnancy your body is undergoing incredible change that affects how we use our body and these changes can last for months or years after having your little one. During pregnancy, we experience increased ligament laxity to make space for the baby but this can also result in increased pain, joint instability, poor posture and unwanted changes in our body mechanics that can still be present postpartum. This course focuses on correct movement mechanics and uses body-weight resistance with hand weights to appropriately challenge both your upper and lower body. This class is intended to help limit pregnancy discomfort and to prepare you for the physical demands of being a new parent! Postpartum parents who have been cleared for exercise (~6 weeks) and all stages of pregnancy are invited to join with modifications provided as needed.

Pelvic Floor Essentials

Using your pelvic floor and your core are essential for everyday function and exercise, but no one teaches us how to actually use those muscle groups well! In this class, learn how to contract your pelvic floor, how to coordinate your pelvic floor and your core for more stability, how to use your breath to connect to your core and pelvic floor, and learn how to exercise your core and pelvic floor for optimal function and beyond! This class is appropriate for ANYONE who feels disconnected from their core or pelvic floor-including people with pelvic pain, recovering from giving birth, having urinary or bowel symptoms, feeling weak in the core, athletes with pelvic symptoms, and people recovering from surgery in the abdomen or pelvis.

Strength After Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Strength + Mobility

This class is for progressively improving strength and mobility of the upper and lower body while going through or recovering from breast cancer and its treatments. This class will primarily focus on whole body mobility and weight lifting geared towards body regions specifically affected by breast cancer treatment. Have lymphedema and wondering if you can participate-you can! If you wear a sleeve to manage your lymphedema, be sure to wear it for class.

General Kettlebell Strengthening

Core + Kettlebells

Kettlebells are a versatile, functional, and fun way to strengthen the whole body for all levels of activity, recreation, and sport. This class will focus on developing safe & effective foundational kettlebell skills to build from in pursuit of your health & fitness goals. Movement education and progression will be centered around the following movements: Deadlift, Squat, Clean, Snatch, Swing, Press, and Turkish Get-Up. Class structure: 1) comprehensive warm-up 2) movement preparation & education 3) work-out integrating the target movements of the day. This class is appropriate for anyone interested in beginning and/or building on their kettlebell strength-training journey. Great class for postpartum strength building.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga with Nicole

Rest, rejuvenate, and restore with 1.5 hours of restorative yoga and reiki. Rest with ease through several restorative poses while receiving hands on Reiki, which is always optional. You will be fully supported with the use of props, and will hold each pose for 8-12 minutes to allow the body time to completely release. This class is appropriate for everyone and every body! Modifications will be provided as necessary.


contact us for information on our class packages and level up memberships



Collaborative Birth Prep Package

Are you in your second trimester of pregnancy and want to prepare your body the best you can for birth?! Are you wanting to learn how to exercise so that you can prevent many common pregnancy pains and aches?! Do you want help maintaining your alignment as your body changes during pregnancy?? Then this package is for YOU! This is a collaborative package with Level Up Wellness and Physical Therapy and Nourish Osteo and Wellness to tailor a program that will help prepare your body for birth. Sign up NOW!

This package is also appropriate for people in their early 3rd trimester, but after 32 weeks of pregnancy it would be best to schedule individual appointments